Conferences & Exhibitions, Communities & Technology – What We should Be Learning From Each Other


2024-03-07 | 02:50 PM - 03:20 PM (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong| Ballroom 7401AB-7504, Level 5, the Parisian Macao

Conferences drive content. Exhibitions drive commerce. Communities drive loyalty and Technology supposedly should help the events industry drive innovation and efficiency. There exist successful ingredients and practices from each of these four topics which we can borrow from each other to make our events even better.  And yet, oftentimes our own tunnel vision may obscure such possibilities for greatness. Join Ben Veechai, the founder of BVM Consulting Ltd., and events coach extraordinaire as he recounts topline insights from his 20+ years of working in B2B media, conferences, exhibitions, event technology, venue consulting, and now also the fitness industry on how we can create better experiences, drive more loyalty, create more revenue, and better identify the technologies that will help deliver better events. 

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