Leveraging Social Impact Initiative, Diverging Your Sustainable Business Outcome


2024-03-08 | 11:45 AM - 12:20 PM (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong| Ballroom 7401AB-7504, Level 5, the Parisian Macao

Thailand's MICE Industry is redefining success by prioritizing social values alongside economic gains. When businesses and organizations establish social impact initiatives, the difference is felt beyond the communities the efforts or activities serve. This strategy brings positive change that makes business grow stronger and also well-respected from society, translating into a high-value proposition, which impacts their Professional, Country Branding, and Environmental Aspects, aligning with a diverse range of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Well-being, Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Sustainable Cities and Communities etc.
Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) initiate the new frontier for Social Impact Assessment to build and create high value added for MICE business’s sustainable future.